You Decide, Cut Dorsey’s Hair or Keep It!
Keep it or cut it? The Big Dog and I need your help settling a debate. With barbers on lockdown, Jeff Dorsey was forced to let his luscious locks grow. Then he dispensed with all grooming and let his beard grow too. Now that haircuts are an option, he's conflicted. Leave it or lop it off?

Here's the deal. The ladies like it long. At least that's what he claims. He says no one has ever really commented on his hair until it started tickling his collar. Admittedly, for his advanced age, Dorsey has a thick mane of salty white hair--with a dash of pepper for good measure. It flows in waves--just picture in your mind Kenny Rogers before the botched facelift.
Regular listeners to the Y101 Morning Show with Dorsey and Deien know that the two of us rarely agree on anything. When it comes to debate, I'm generally right. Now I don't want to influence your vote, so for once I'm sparing my opinion. It's your call. Does the long hair give the impression that the Big Dog is having a midlife crisis? Or does it lend a dash of daring, like the always hip Harrison Ford who has grown out his gray hair?
Take our poll: Keep It or Cut It?
The Big Dog makes no promises, but he will take your votes under advisement as he struggles with this weighty decision.
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