No St. Pat’s Parade Hurts, But Comments About it Were Expected
During this year long pandemic I kept thinking to myself, "Boy I'm sure glad I am not Jarrod Welch, the Director of the Adams County Health Department". All this man has done is try to keep people safe and even from dying for the past twelve months and has been criticized for it..
I now know, in a much smaller capacity, just how he must feel as he tries to do what he believes is right for everybody. My decision to cancel this year's St. Patrick's Parade has brought with it a cavalcade of comments ranging from "great decision" to "you are a complete dumb*** ". That last comment came over the phone from an unidentified caller. I tried to convince this guy to read my previous story on the Y101 Radio webpage and then call me back. I thought he might have a different opinion of me if he would do so.
In any case, it is safe to say that I have been catching it big time for my decision to cancel the 35th Annual St. Patrick's Parade. For those who are upset about it, I want you to know that no one is more upset than I am. This parade is "my baby" and it is killing me knowing it won't happen tomorrow.
To those people complaining and leaving comments it only proves what Dennis Oliver & I started 35 years ago has been welcomed. Your passion for it to go on excites me even if some comments didn't.
The parade started 35 years ago with Dennis and I walking down the street. We both did so a year ago to keep the tradition alive and we plan on doing so again tomorrow. Just the two of us. But with no parade permit, the sidewalk will have to do.
We both thank you for your passion and hope to see you for next year's 36th Annual St. Patrick's Parade on Saturday, March 12, 2022.
A Look Back at St. Patty's Parade's