Watch 2 UFO’s Zig & Zag Around Each Other Over Missouri
Right before sunset, something strange happened in the skies over a small town in the Missouri bootheel. Two UFO's seemed to dance across the sky zigging and zagging around each other as a new video share shows.

Based on the video description, this strange sky sight happened over East Prairie, Missouri Thursday, August 12 at around 7:45pm two years ago. This video was just now shared. Here's the word-for-word description from the eyewitness who shared the video:
I came home for lunch, it was about 7:45pm, it was just about to get dark, I was walking up the sidewalk to my apt, I looked up at the sky, and seen a very bright white light, I only saw 1 at first then the other, so I turned the video on, on my iPhone, In the video...you will see one coming straight down, then curve and go back toward the other one, and then they went the opposite way of each other...one of them switched direction and went back up toward the other, then they split and go away from each other I uploaded the video twice, I adjusted the contrast, so you can see it better.
Pay special attention to the later parts of the video when the contrast is changed which allows you to see the objects better.
It's understandably hard for a phone camera to be able to zoom in on detail on objects like this while also maintaining some context with the landscape around where this sighting happened. Not being able to see buildings on the ground relative to the objects makes it difficult to discern what we might be seeing.
If this is real, what is it and what are its intentions...good or evil?
Even without seeing buildings and the objects at the same time, the movement is very strange. No known aircraft that has been made public can maneuver like this. But, considering Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri isn't that far away, you can't rule out some type of military and/or experimental craft. Definitely qualifies as a UFO based on what we can verify so far.
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