You've no doubt heard descriptions of UFO encounters before, but there's a new one that just happened near a Missouri UFO hotspot unlike any in recent memory.
If a self-proclaimed time traveler is correct (doubtful), everyone in Illinois should begin to prepare for an invasion from Venus. There's a good reason to not lose any sleep over this prediction though.
This is not the first time I've seen something strange over Missouri and it likely won't be the last either. However, I've never seen an unidentified flying object rise up to meet another one like happened not that long ago over Lee's Summit, Missouri as a new video share reveals.
If your day hasn't been bizarre up until now, it's about to be because of what you're about to learn. If you've ever wondered why there has never been a channel 37 on your television, the reason is because of Illinois and aliens and I'm not making any of this up.
As of this moment, a UFO invasion is just a hypothetical scenario unless something has happened that I'm not aware of. That's why I'd love to know how science has determined that both Missouri and Illinois are among the states most likely to survive an attack from E.T.