Boy I Sure Miss My Friend Tommy Murphy
It was August 23, 2012. I had a chance to get up early and enjoy the morning before heading to work and I was able to help a friend in need. So off to work I went feeling good about the day ahead. Then all of a sudden, I heard the "ping" noise on my computer at work alerting me of a new message. For some reason it caught my attention. I don't know why. I get hundreds of messages and "pings" a week, but this one stood out. So I opened it and my heart dropped as I read it.
It stated that my good friend Tommy Murphy passed away in Ballina, Ireland.
Some of you may have met Tommy years ago. He came to the United States as a guest of Leo Henning, then the General Manager of WGEM. I was working at WTAD at the time and got to meet Tommy. Tommy was working in radio in Ireland and did so until the time of his death. Back in the 1980's, Tommy was interested in our "then little" St. Patrick's Parade since he was from Ireland.
I filled him in on the details and we kept in touch ever since, exchanging e-mails, Christmas cards, and from time to time an occasional call to be on the air in Ireland with him. He was always upbeat, loved to share a story and pass along a good Irish joke. Now its heaven's turn to laugh. And laugh they will.
I miss my friend Tommy Murphy for everything he was...and it was all good! As we get close to St. Patrick's Day again, my thoughts are with his four children and their families. It is still hard to believe Tommy is no longer with us. To my good friend Tommy...
May the road rise to meet you Tommy
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
May the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until I meet you again,
May God still hold you in the hollow of His hand.