This Kitchen/Bathroom Combo Is A New Low For Missouri Real Estate
When you're living on your own for the first time, living in a crap-hole apartment is a right of passage. But this apartment in St. Louis takes crap-hole to a whole new level. The bathroom is located in the kitchen. I mean you could stir your pot of beans on the stove while you're sitting on the pot.
The apartment is in the Central West End section of St. Louis. Even with a prestigious address like that, you still have to entertain your guests with your toilet abutting your fridge. It's hard to polish that turd.
According to the Associated Press, a St. Louis man is now renting this apartment for $525/month, utilities included. A steal of a deal in the Central West End, as long as you're able to overlook the kitchen/bath combo. The problem is, it's impossible to avert your eyes because it's only a 200 square foot space.
I think every kid just out of school should live in a crappy apartment. It's a character-building experience. I remember my first apartment in college. There were termite tunnels running up the interior walls. My closet wall literally froze over in a layer of ice in those frigid Kirksville winters (that was rather handy actually, because you could cool your 12-pack of Milwaukee's Best in the closet rather than taking up refrigerator space). Like the Central West End apartment, the address was pretty coveted. All I had to do was walk out the door and cross the street and I was in my english classes.
Ahh, those were the days. Lots of fond memories and lots of character building for sure. My daughters started college at Truman last year. I took them by the old dump, which ironically sat at the corner of High and Normal street. Alas, the college bulldozed the joint. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.