The 2020 Census Deadline Is Now September 30
In case you were wondering the 2020 Census count is still underway. The Census is something that happens every 10 years. Many have already completed the short Census 2020 form, but there are still those who haven’t. It only takes about 5 minutes to complete and it is so important to the community that you live in for the next ten years.
So why is it so important to fill out the Census form? Well, the Census data is used to determine how and where Federal money is spent. That money will go to locally support new roads, school needs, healthcare needs for children and seniors among other things. The data will also be used to determine your fair representation through redistricting.
With the pandemic going on, the original count deadline of April 1, 2020 was extended until October 31, 2020, but now that end date has been moved up a month to September 30.
In an effort to get more people to complete the Census, a week ago last Thursday marked the start of an initiative called "Get Out The Count." Thousands of door knockers, known as enumerators, are venturing out across the country and in our area to locate people who have not completed the census form and collect their information.

That effort is now under a tighter time constraint due to the change in the data collection deadline especially during a time when COVID-19 fears are hindering the process.
Having been the Census Regional Office Manager in 1999-2000, I know just how challenging this will be to get to people.
Remember completing the census is required by law and can be done online or by mail. If you need more information, go to www.Census.gov/2020census.
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