The 10 Commandments of Going to A County Fair
Fair season is back and in full swing! Try not to break any of these rules...
- 1
Thou Shalt Not Wear Flip Flops
Trust us on this (and watch your step).
- 2
Thou Shall Drink (At Least) One Lemon Shake Up
You won't regret it!
- 3
Thou Shall Order Everything Fried
Oreos (pictured), Pop Tarts, Twinkies, candy bars, it's ALL amazing!
- 4
Thou Shall Ride At Least One Carnival Ride
Though you might want to do this before the deep fried Oreos.
- 5
Thou Shalt Not Miss the Grandstand Show
It'll be Brothers Osborne at the Adams County Fair!
- 6
Thou Shall Take A Selfie With A Farm Animal
Because why not?
- 7
Thou Shall Spend Some Time In The 4-H Tent
Aww, bunnies!
- 8
Thou Shall NOT Dress Like This
It's a county fair, not a nightclub (you know who you are!)
- 9
Thou Shall Not Blow $15 Trying to Win A Stuffed Bear
These games are way harder than they look, so don't get in over your head!
- 10
Thou Shall Not Freak Out When Hearing A Cow's "Moo" While Eating a Hamburger