There's a brand new video share that is one of the most innocent moments I've seen in awhile, but I have so many questions. It's a Missouri dog playfully chasing a frisbee while his friend a deer visits in their backyard.
Sometimes you just need an innocent animal moment to get you through your day. If you're in that place, I have something for you. It's a Missouri Golden Retriever that has managed to convince a bunch of tiny ponies to be his friend.
There are very few restaurants in Missouri that have such a rich backstory like this one. It's a historic roadhouse along legendary Route 66 in Missouri that has served some of the most iconic American personalities over the decades. It also might be very haunted, too.
It's true that we don't have a lot of mountains in the Midwest, but that doesn't mean we don't have some great hills for tubing in the winter. There is one that rises above the others (literally) when it comes to tubing hills in Missouri.
My dad used to tell me that it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. That's true of horses, too as a young Missouri dwarf horse named Tubby proves every day of his life.
It began with a simple question that has a complicated answer. Are there alligators in Missouri? The answer is yes, but also no. I'll attempt to explain with a flashback to a real alligator encounter that happened in Missouri as recently as last summer.
There is a little town in New Jersey called Wildwood and they are about to set a trend in America's fashion. Wildwood's City Council is set to pass a law prohibiting "sagging" or baggie pants from being worn in the city's limits.