Time travel

Worst Time Traveler Ever Says Crazy New Storm Coming to Missouri
Worst Time Traveler Ever Says Crazy New Storm Coming to Missouri
Worst Time Traveler Ever Says Crazy New Storm Coming to Missouri
If someone could prove that they were a time traveler, you'd probably pay attention to what they said was about to happen, right? If I were you, I wouldn't change my plans based on a prediction for Missouri about a crazy storm from a person who may be the worst time traveler in history - literally.
Why Back to the Future Could Not Have Happened in Missouri
Why Back to the Future Could Not Have Happened in Missouri
Why Back to the Future Could Not Have Happened in Missouri
One of my family's all-time favorite movies is Back to the Future. I also was born and raised in Missouri. Those two facts are incompatible as I've learned that there is no way that Back to the Future would have worked if it had happened in Missouri. Please allow me to explain.

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