I envy those who find rare old coins and cash them in for small fortunes. That's not realistic for the rest of us though. However, did you know there are quarters that are only a couple of years old in Missouri that you could easily find and cash in for big bucks if they have certain errors? It's true and I'll show you.
Time to check those coins again as there's one in the wild that could be worth thousands. If you come across a 1932 Missouri quarter, spin that bad boy around because one letter on the back could mean you're about to cash in real money.
I usually go straight home without anything really happening. Just your normal ride home from work. But this caught my eye. I was on my way home from work and I saw this sign at a Laundromat.
Do you remember when you went to a gas station to air up your car tires and it was free? Now (at most places) you have to pay to get your tires aired up. Why is that?