Everyone has an opinion and many are not without value. However, when you look at pure numbers, there are many reasons you should go out of your way to avoid traveling through or to 3 Kansas City, Missouri neighborhoods if at all possible.
I've been in Kansas City, Missouri so much in my lifetime I feel like I've lived there, but I haven't. That's why I'm gonna rely on the help of robots to determine what the best neighborhood in that area is. Artificial intelligence picked a very low-key one that seems to be the favorite of many.
I'm a dad so I'm all about saving money. However, I'm not willing to do it if it will jeopardize my life or that of my family. That's kind of the issue with what has just been named Kansas City, Missouri's cheapest neighborhood. Yes, it's cheap, but boy oh boy does it have some terrifying issues.
I had a guy I used to work with around 30 years ago who had been a former gang member. The stories he told me were terrifying. It's a lifestyle I've fortunately avoided in my life, but the reality is if you spend any time in St. Louis, Missouri, you're near gangs whether you want to be or not. I found helpful guides to show you what gangs are in the big city and where they reside.
I think most would agree that the Kansas City, Missouri area is generally one of the better places to live in the state, but that doesn't mean it's all sunshine and roses. A new ranking says there is one Kansas City suburb you'll want to avoid at all costs and there's some science in their reasoning.
If you want to find the zip code in Illinois that will cost more than any other, you need to find the movie 'Home Alone' on a streaming service because the house in that movie resides there.
Even among those who are considered rich and famous would find this Missouri place pricey. It's the most expensive neighborhood in the entire state where homes average a cool $2 million dollars.
If I had guessed where the most expensive Missouri neighborhood was, I would have guessed Ladue and I would have been wrong. No, there's a neighborhood that has home values that are typically double what you'll find in Ladue.