There's a good chance you've at least heard about the Piasa Bird painting on the cliff walls near Alton, Illinois even if you've never seen it in person. There's an even better chance that you've never seen the caves behind it and there's a reason for that.
If you love Missouri and wild west history, you will likely enjoy this. There's a new look inside the Missouri cave where Jesse James and his brother Frank and other members of the James Gang hid a quarter million dollars in gold and then escaped and many of their original belongings remain.
You have to be careful when you explore caves in Missouri. Someone or something might have found that cave before you and still be inside. That's what happened to a family recently and the sound they heard coming from deep inside a cave was...interesting.
If you either grew up in Missouri and/or live there now, you probably have a soft place in your heart for caves. Did you know there is a historic one right now in Missouri that is available and could be yours? I have video and pics to prove it.
I've heard it said that oftentimes the truth is right under your feet. That's never been more true than the rumors that America has created a secret tunnel network under Missouri to hide things. I do have proof that it's true, but it's (probably) not as sinister as you think.
The fact that Missouri really does have 1.4 billion pounds of cheese hidden in caves is remarkable, but the urban legends that have ground out of this cheddar reality are even better. Let's try to separate Missouri cheese fact from dairy fiction.