‘Stamp Out Hunger’ Food Collection is This Saturday
The United Way of Adams County and the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) are teaming up for the 27th annual “Stamp Out Hunger” National Food Drive on Saturday, May 11, to benefit local food pantries and the residents of Adams County who face hunger daily.
“The need in Adams County continues to be great, which is why our letter carriers continue to support the event locally,” says George Meyer, Quincy Postal Carrier and local N.A.L.C. organizer. “Our goal this year is to carry on from our success, gathering more than last year’s total of 19,000 pounds of food collected in Adams County.”
The “Stamp out Hunger” effort is the nation’s largest single-day food drive. To help “Stamp Out Hunger” in Adams County, simply leave a sturdy plastic or brown paper bag containing non-perishable foods, like canned soup, canned vegetables, pasta, rice or cereal, next to your mailbox prior to the time of regular mail delivery this Saturday.
Food items should be in non-breakable containers, such as boxes and cans. Local letter carriers and volunteers will collect donations from homes and the food will be distributed to the following local food pantries in Adams County: Quincy Catholic Charities, Quanada Food Pantry, Community For Christ, The Salvation Army, Horizons Social Services, Lutheran Church of St. John Food Pantry, GPS Ministries, The Crossing Food Pantry, St. Francis Church Food Pantry, and Ladies of Charity Food Pantry.
“According to Feeding America, 11.1% of Adams County residents are food insecure, which amounts to 7,380 Adams County individuals who might utilize local food pantries,” said Morgan Parker, Director of Programs and Services, United Way of Adams County.
For more information about the annual “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive in Adams County, ask your letter carrier, contact your local post office, or contact United Way at 217-222-5020.
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