The 27th annual “Stamp Out Hunger” National Food Drive is this Saturday to benefit local food pantries and the residents of Adams County who face hunger daily.
It is well documented that the food pantries in the area have been in need of non-perishable food items. The demand far exceeds to supply. Well, here is an opportunity to help without having to go to one of the pantry locations complements of the area letter carriers.
The Adams County Health Department working in collaboration with the United Way of Adams County and the 5-2-1-0 Get Up and Move initiative will be holding Friday Night Family Play Nights to challenge Adams County children and their families to be active and promote healthy eating habits.
The Adams County Health Department, working in collaboration with the United Way of Adams County and the 5-2-1-0 Get Up and Move Initiative, will be holding Friday Night Family Play Nights to challenge Adams County children and their families to be active and promote healthy eating habits.
The Annual United Way of Adams County Restaurant Days promotion is underway. Each day in August, when you dine at a participating restaurant, a percentage of your check will be donated to the United Way.
Quincy Mayor Kyle Moore would like to invite everyone to Quincy University’s MacHugh Theatre on Wednesday, July 15 at 7:00 p.m. to watch a live performance of Quincy’s All-America City presentation.