Red Ribbon Project Begins Monday
Every single day in America 28 people will die as a result of a drunk-driving crash. People killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes accounted for nearly one-third of all traffic deaths in America. With these statistics in mind, a news conference will be held on Monday, November 19, at 9:00 a.m. on the west side parking lot of Quincy City Hall. At the conference will be Mayor Kyle Moore and Quincy Police Chief Rob Copley. Both of them will kick off the 2018 Project Red Ribbon for the Quinsippi Chapter of Mother Against Drunk Driving as they will tie a red ribbon on to their official autos.
The nationwide Project Red Ribbon asks motorist to tie a red ribbon onto their personal auto as a visual reminder to not drink and drive. The project will run locally until January 1 with hopes it will prevent future deaths from alcohol related accidents. Some 3,866 people died in alcohol related accidents in a ten year period in Illinois from 2003 through 2012.
Free ribbons for your vehicle are available at the Quincy Police Department, Quincy City Hall, the Adams County Sheriff’s Department, area banks, and churches.