Quincy to Upgrade Software to Improve Online Payments
If you pay your bills online with the City of Quincy you might want to be aware that the city is upgrading their software this Friday. According to a news release from Jeffrey Conte, the Director of Utilities & Engineering for the City of Quincy, the online bill paying services will be unavailable to allow for the City's IT Department to complete a necessary upgrade to their financial software.
The service will be shutdown at 3 p.m. this Friday, November 2, at 3 p.m. (local time). It is hoped that the upgrade will be complete by no later than Sunday, November 4. Every effort will be made to try and complete the upgrade sooner if possible.
Meanwhile, the Department of Utilities Customer Service Office will remain open to the public. However, any payments made after 4 p.m. on Friday will not be posted until Monday, November 5.
Those customers needing to make a payment to the City of Quincy are encouraged to check the city's website (www.ci.quincy.il.us) on Sunday at mid-day for additional information regarding the upgrade's progress.