City of Quincy Make Major Changes To City-Wide Clean UpCity of Quincy Make Major Changes To City-Wide Clean UpThe City of Quincy has implemented some major changes for the upcoming city-wide cleaning up later this month.SamSam
Yard Waste Collection to Resume in QuincyYard Waste Collection to Resume in QuincyYard Waste Collection will resume in Quincy the week of March 15.Jeffrey DorseyJeffrey Dorsey
Quincy City Hall Closed Today for President’s DayQuincy City Hall Closed Today for President’s DayQuincy City Hall will be closed today, February 15, 2021 in observance of President’s Day. Jeffrey DorseyJeffrey Dorsey
Here’s the Big Dog’s COVID-19 Vaccination ExperienceHere’s the Big Dog’s COVID-19 Vaccination ExperienceYou may be wondering how things are being done so I thought I would share my experience with you. Jeffrey DorseyJeffrey Dorsey
Quincy to Allow Citizens to Attend Meetings AgainQuincy to Allow Citizens to Attend Meetings AgainThe City of Quincy will welcome back residents to meetings of the Quincy City Council and their other committees.Jeffrey DorseyJeffrey Dorsey
Quincy Yard Waste Collections to End December 11Quincy Yard Waste Collections to End December 11The City of Quincy will end the weekly yard waste collections for the season on Friday, December 11th, 2020.Jeffrey DorseyJeffrey Dorsey
Quincy City Buildings, Adams Co Courthouse Closed to PublicQuincy City Buildings, Adams Co Courthouse Closed to PublicOfficials with the city of Quincy and Adams County have announced the closing of offices to the public.Harold SmithHarold Smith
The Big Dog’s Top 5 Aggravating Intersections in QuincyThe Big Dog’s Top 5 Aggravating Intersections in QuincyAs you drive around the City of Quincy undoubtedly you will come to an intersection someplace that just make makes as "why did I come this way?" Jeffrey DorseyJeffrey Dorsey
Petitions Available Now for Quincy Elected OfficesPetitions Available Now for Quincy Elected OfficesIf you have an interest in running for office in Quincy you just might want to read the latest news release that came out from the City Clerk’s office last week.Jeffrey DorseyJeffrey Dorsey
Quincy's City-Wide Cleanup has Been ScheduledQuincy's City-Wide Cleanup has Been ScheduledThe City of Quincy, despite the current pandemic, will again conduct the annual City-Wide Cleanup.Jeffrey DorseyJeffrey Dorsey