Quincy is Colder than Canada Right Now
It is COLDER here in the Tri-States than places that are supposed to be colder than us...
We are in the middle of a ridiculously cold stretch of weather here in Quincy and the surrounding Tri-State area. As I write this article at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, February 9th it is 12 degrees with a 1 degree "feels like" temperature according to weather.com. And if you trust places like weather.com, which I tend to trust, then we wont have a high above freezing in the forecast until Sunday, February 21st...that sucks. So to put into perspective the cold we are dealing with lets compare ourselves to other places on planet Earth.
It is colder in Quincy right now (1:30 pm 2/9/21) than Montreal Canada... where according to weather.com it is a balmy 19 degrees with "feels like" temps around 13 degrees.
It is colder in Quincy right now than Vancouver Canada.... where according to weather.com it is a steamy 33 degrees.
It is colder in Quincy right now than Reykjavik Iceland...where according to weather.com it is a perfect freezing temp of 32 degrees.
BUT it's not all bad...
It is WARMER in Quincy right now than Fargo, North Dakota where according to weather.com it is 0 degrees with a feels like temperature of -22 degrees.
And just to make us all feel really annoyed about living in the Midwest instead of nice warm places in the northern hemisphere, it is currently 77 degrees in Miami, Florida according to weather.com. So if you need me, you'll find me on my computer looking for jobs in Miami on indeed.com.