Quincy Community Theatre Announces 2020 Season
You would think Christmas is my favorite time of year. Nope! Finding out what QCT so doing for the next year is my favorite, and they did not disappoint.
In QCT fashion, they made a night out of announcing their 2020 season. With fans of the theatre patiently waiting for the announcement it was finally revealed. Amazing family friends shows, and a few for adults too. Disney's Frozen Jr (February 6-9) kicks off the 2020 season and it just gets better and better.
One of my all-time favorite Chicago (March 19-22 & 26-29), Calendar Girls (May 8-9 & 14-17), The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane (June 11-14), Legally Blonde The Musical (July 16-19 & July 23-26), The Trip of Bountiful (September 11-13 & 17-20), Junie B. Jones Is Not A Crook (October 22-25), and finale the grande finale of it all Disney's Beauty & The Beast (December 10-13 & 17-20).
Like a I said an amazing line-up for 2020, and I can not wait. If you are a season ticket holder you can renew your season tickets on October 1, and season tickets go on sale to the public October.17!