Pay Up – Gun-Carrying IRS Agents Invading Missouri & Illinois
I wish I was making this up, but it's actually a real thing. There's a report that the IRS is looking for gun-carrying agents for every single state and yes, that includes both Missouri and Illinois.
I first saw this shared by Americans for Tax Payer Reform, but this isn't an opinion piece by them. Nope. It's a job link directly from the IRS website. I grabbed a screenshot in case it gets taken down. Here's what they're looking for in an agent:
If you can't read the fine print, the last line on the IRS job listing says (and I quote):
Carry a firearm; must be prepared to protect him/herself or others from physical attacks at any time and without warning and use firearms in life-threatening situations; must be willing to use force up to and including the use of deadly force.
OK already. So I will be more careful when I file that 1040 next time, OK?
The good news if you're looking for work is this job has great benefits including:
- Competitive Salary based on qualifications and duty location
- 11 Paid Holidays
- 13 Vacation Days
- 13 Sick Days
- Health and Life Insurance
- Federal Law Enforcement Retirement
- Thrift Savings Program
Oh, and you get to pack heat and pretend you're Wyatt Earp, so there's that.