I'm no math genius, but this is a stunning number of people who said goodbye to Illinois in just one calendar year. New data just shared by the IRS reveals more than a quarter million residents left the Land of Lincoln recently.
There are few organizations in the world more feared than the Internal Revenue Service. They're like the strict parent that you don't want to tick off. That's why many in Illinois are now concerned about stern warnings being issued to residents of the state about illegitimate tax credits being claimed.
My eyes did a double-take when I saw this as I thought there was no way it could be accurate, but I've learned it is. A new ranking claims the tax burden in Illinois has even surpassed that of California. The numbers don't lie.
It feels like a broken record to say "The taxes in Illinois are killer" but the numbers for 2024 are truly staggering. Here is why the experts say Illinois is the 2nd worst state in the country for property taxes...
I was born in Missouri, but have lived in Illinois many times in my life. I have enough experience in the Land of Lincoln to have a pretty good idea of the type of people who will enjoy the state and which ones won't. Here are 5 types I'm shocked didn't leave Illinois years ago.
Times are hard and that's true especially for seniors. There's a new law in Missouri that means some older citizens will get a break from property tax hikes according to a new report.
I had completely forgotten about this, but starting in July everyone that shops in Illinois will get reminded of the tax relief that we've been enjoying for the past year when it comes to gas and groceries because it's about to end.
There's a reason why so many cross the bridge into Missouri to fill up their gas tanks. That's why it's not exactly news that Illinois has high gas taxes, but a new ranking shows just how high they are compared to the rest of America.