My First Car – What Was Yours?
Do you remember your first car? Can you name the model and year that it was?
My very first car was a 1968 Oldsmobile Cutlass. It was a two-door, brown with a white top. My dad bought it from a couple in Louisiana, Missouri. From then on I was free. Free to go anywhere, anytime ... well, as long as Mom and Dad said it was OK.
Yes, freedom to go uptown to Pittsfield, free to go riding around with my buddies at anytime ... well, except when Mom and Dad said I couldn't. And when I was not driving it, I was cleaning it up. I love a great looking clean car, inside and out. Still to this day I keep my car or truck clean. And yes I would give my girlfriend a ride in it anytime. She loved my car, too. We would drive around Pittsfield and Pike County all day and night. And this was when gas was like 65 cents per gallon. Yes, 65 CENTS A GALLON.
I sold my first car to a guy who painted it dark blue. I cried when I saw that. There is something about your first car that you will never forget. I hope you remember your first car. I do and I really which it was in my driveway right now.