Midwest Woman Trapped at Work as She’s Being Stalked by Squirrel
Work has enough challenges of its own without having a feral squirrel causing you problems. That's what one Midwest woman learned as she was stuck at work because one little guy wasn't letting her get to her car.

This happened recently in Kokomo, Indiana. Here's the story the woman told about what you're about to witness:
I was the last to leave my office. I facetimed my daughter and, as I was locking the front door, I saw the squirrel in the reflection of the glass. I looked down and it stood up on its hind legs and literally locked eyes with me! I started to unlock the door to go back in and it lunged toward my leg. It proceeded to stalk me for 33 minutes. I facetimed my husband who is a "tough" SWAT officer and he laughed for several minutes and told me good luck. I ended up taking a video so I could share with my family and the interaction with this squirrel just kept getting better! I finally made it to my car 35 minutes after work ended. I have nuts with me in case it comes back.
For this woman, the squirrel struggle is real.
So, she is now packing nuts in her purse in case he returns. Interesting. I also have to wonder how her "tough SWAT officer" husband fared after she finally got home. Inquiring minds want to know.
Take it as a compliment, lady. The squirrel likes you.
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