McDonald’s Ice Cream Machines Broken Might Be Illinois’s Fault
If you've ever gone to a McDonald's and ordered ice cream only to find out the machine is broken, it's possible that it's Illinois's fault. Maybe. I'll try to explain.
The broken ice cream machine at McDonald's has gained so much fame even McDonald's is in on it.
This issue is now serious business as C-Net reported there is a $900 million dollar lawsuit over the broken ice cream machines at McDonald's.
How exactly is this Illinois's fault?
The company that makes McDonald's ice cream machines is Taylor Company in Rockford according to a report by the Journal Star. The lawsuit involves a California company that is accusing them of defamation and stealing trade secrets. The ironic thing about all this is I found a fix-it how-to from the Taylor Company YouTube channel. You are welcome. Problem solved?
I'm not taking sides in who's to blame. I just find it interesting that one of pop culture's greatest complaints may have originated in the Land of Lincoln. This lawsuit is a serious deal between the companies involved.
Just for fun, I went to McBroken (the website dedicated to real-time reports of McDonald's ice cream machine status) and it says that currently 13% of all McDonald's ice cream machines are down. One of the McDonald's on Broadway in Quincy was currently on the outage list as of this writing. Your mileage may vary depending on when you check.
Stay tuned and we'll see if this notorious ice cream machine outage really gets pinned to Illinois. Your cone fix may depend on it.