Here’s Why I’ll Always Love Dandelions
It's National Dandelion Day! Celebrate with me! What's to celebrate about a dandelion, you ask? For starters, they're sunny, yellow indicators of spring. They are nature's puffballs of fun for your kids. Tale a good look at a dandelion. Couldn't we rename them "free-range mums?" And the best thing about dandelions? No other weed or flower says "I love you" quite like a dandelion.
My mom taught me to appreciate dandelions. We lost Mom to uterine cancer in 2003. As she lay dying in the hospital with a steady stream of morphine dripping in her veins, Mom said to me, "These days, morphine ranks right up there with mashed potatoes and dandelions." I thought maybe that was the morphine talking. I mean, I understand what's so marvelous about mashed potatoes, but dandelions? When I asked her about it, Mom said, "Oh dandelions are the best. When your child brings you a handful of dandelions, that's how you know you are loved."
Having raised nine kids, my mom earned a lion's share of dandelions and she cherished each one. When that special youngster in your life plucks and presents you with a dandelion this spring, just feel the love. A word of caution though. This only works for kids. Men, I would not try to use a bouquet of dandelions as a springboard to romance. Stick to the roses.
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