Hannibal to Get a New Mark Twain Memorial Lighthouse
The Hannibal Parks & Recreation Department announced last week that the Mark Twain Memorial Lighthouse will be torn down and replaced with a brand new one.
A year ago, the plan was to renovate the current lighthouse. According to an article in the Herald Whig (May 16), MECO Engineering, the company hired to check out the structural stability of the lighthouse, has reported significant deterioration and has recommended it be replaced.
The lighthouse, built in 1935 to be a part of the 100th anniversary of Mark Twain's birthday, has been renovated a few times in the past. Depending on materials used, the cost could be as high as $60-thousand or as little as $30-thousand according to MECO.
The hope is that the structure when completed will be capable of being illuminates in various colors to represent different events. According to the Herald Whig article,The hope is to have the new lighthouse built by the end of this year and will also include security cameras to help limit the amount of vandalism.