Hannibal Nutrition Center Stops Service of Congregate Meals
In order to protect senior citizens who are the most vulnerable segment of the population to the COVID-19 virus, the Hannibal Nutrition Center has shut down its congregate meal service until April 14. That means the 100 or so people who eat at the Nutrition Center each day will have to make alternate plans. The Meals on Wheels home-delivered meals program will roll on as usual.
Like many other non-profit groups, the Hannibal Nutrition Center will have to limp through this virus containment. It's a terribly common misconception that this is a free meal program, funded by the government to feed seniors. The fact is, only 30% of the Nutrition Center's budget comes from government funds. That's right, 30 percent. The balance comes from grants and fundraisers.
With all the crowd control measures in place, the HNC, like other non-profits can't hold major fundraisers. The center has to cancel its Good Friday Fish Fry, which brings in about $10,000 a year. It's a major blow to finances.
If you can spare some money, consider a tax deductible donation to the Hannibal Nutrition Center https://www.hannibalnutrition.com/ at 219 S. 10th St. One hundred percent of donations go to the purchase of food for the Meals on Wheels program.