Five Things That Happened Driving at 24th and Broadway
I really think that the City of Quincy has more traffic per ca-pita than any other city in America. Just drive down Broadway sometime and you will see what I mean. Just the other day while driving at 24th and Broadway no less than five things happened while I was waiting or going through the intersection. (1) It was in the afternoon when I was approaching Broadway going South on 24th Street (basically in front of the Y101 studios). I believe I was the 14th or 15th car in line waiting for the light to change. Just when it was about to change, I heard the sirens of an emergency vehicle and saw a fire truck in my rear view mirror so I remained where I was. By the time the controlled light changed it was red again so there I sat waiting my turn.
(2) As I sat there, a Prairie Farms milk truck was west bound on Broadway and drove through the intersection and then stopped to apparently back up into the dairy. That caused cars behind the truck on Broadway to stop as well and that line of vehicles stretched past the Coach House Restaurant and blocked the intersection just as the light for my lane turned green. By the time I got to move three cars ahead of me made their way through the intersection meaning I was then car number 11 or 12 in line still waiting to turn.
(3) Once the light turned green for my lane again, I proceeded to get closer but not through the intersection yet. I was car number 2. Then just when the light was about to allow me to go, here comes an ambulance from behind me forcing me to remain where I was again.
(4) Finally the light was green for me to proceed. I was in the middle lane with my turn signal on and began to turn left when the car to my left decided also to turn left but also slide over into my lane nearly hitting my vehicle. Thus proving again some people will never figure out the two left turn lane setups in this city.
(5) So I thought what else was going to happen? No sooner did I escape the near miss of another vehicle, I had to brake quickly as both east bound lanes of Broadway were backed up from the red light at 25th and Broadway.
All of this took place at one intersection and it made me feel like walking might not be a bad option. I'd consider that more seriously, but I don't feel like becoming someone's hood ornament. Happy driving!