Explorers In Abandoned Missouri Hospital Learn They’re Not Alone
Ever have an instinctive feeling that something inside a building is just not...right. That's what happened during a recent investigation of an abandoned Missouri hospital when the explorers learned they were definitely not alone.
There's no exact location given and I wouldn't share it even if I knew as I don't advise that anyone try to investigate this abandoned Missouri hospital on their own. Both got quite a surprise when about 3 minutes into their exploration they learned they were not alone in this disturbing place full of headless mannequins, abandoned medical equipment and an elevator shaft that descended down into an abyss.
Explorers In Abandoned Missouri Hospital Learn They're Not Alone
Gallery Credit: obsoleteVoids via YouTube
I always give video sharers the benefit of the doubt that they obtained permission to be where they're investigating. Even if they didn't, I never advise anyone to try exploration of abandoned buildings on their own. The possibility that you're going to run into gang activity or a violent person under the influence of drugs is not worth the risk. There's also the hazard of having a floor or ceiling cave in on you (or under you). Interesting? Absolutely. Would I do it? Never.
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
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Gallery Credit: Stringer media via YouTube
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