Top 5 Reasons Why Top 5 Lists About Missouri Generally Stink
An argument could be made that all top 5 lists are reprehensible, but I theorize that top 5 lists about Missouri really are worse and I'll try to prove it with some science and likely more than a little attitude.
One of my goals each day is to find things that I think will interest you when it comes to our home turf of Missouri and Illinois. I wish I had a nickel for every single top 5 list I've seen and the ones about Missouri seem to be particularly infuriating. So, in honor of these countdowns which are a dime a dozen, I'll limit my reasons why they nearly all stink to just 5 reasons even though I could list 50. Let's begin.
One of my pet peeves about Missouri top 5 lists involve how they love to talk about how unsafe the state is while using crime data from the worst part of St. Louis to try and make their point. This just in. Many of the rural areas of Missouri are places where you can still safely leave your doors unlocked and no one will bother you.
To be fair, I've written about some places I've never been, but I also try to make sure that's clear and I do more research than normal if that's the case. I've seen so many of these "countdowns" that are clearly being written by someone who lives in New York and thinks the rest of America is nothing but cow pastures.
Do I have problems? Absolutely. Do I want to see a list of them? I'll take a hard pass, thanks. The same can be said about Missouri. Does the state have challenges? Of course. Do we need to shine a flashlight on all the warts instead of looking at positive things? Nope. It's sadly true that many people online will respond to negative content more often than positive, but it doesn't mean I have to like it and the Missouri top 5 lists are frequent offenders.
I see top 5 lists about Missouri shared by people all the time as if they are fact when most are based on absolutely no data and are just the writer's opinion. It's fine to share opinions which is what I'm obviously doing here, but too many people treat these opinions like they are data. Just because one writer got a bad toasted ravioli at a restaurant in Missouri doesn't make all Missouri restaurants bad.
If you base all of your opinions about Missouri based on top 5 lists, you probably think there are two types of people in the state: Patrick Mahomes and rednecks. Yes, Patrick Mahomes is in Missouri (go Chiefs) and yes, there are many rednecks (and I have my own tendencies), but Missouri is just as full of diverse types of people like every other state. Just don't expect that diversity to be represented by any top 5 lists which is one of the many reasons why they generally suck.
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