Did You Know Quincy Has a New TV Station?
How many times have you heard someone say "Boy, I sure which they would air the old Gunsmoke and I Love Lucy shows on TV". Well someone finally has and it is part of Quincy's newest TV station! WGEM announced that they have launched a new channel called MeTV Tri-States. The programming features America's number 1 classics including M*A*S*H, Perry Mason, The Andy Griffith Show, Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C., The Brady Bunch, I Love Lucy, Columbo, Gunsmoke, Wonder Woman, Hogan's Heroes and the original Star Trek series.
It is all part of the classic television network from Weigel Broadcasting Company and is distributed as a fourth channel thru WGEM's airwaves. As of right now, the only way to see MeTV Tri-States is to get it free over the air on WGEM 10.4.
To find a schedule of programming for MeTV Tri-States, go to wgem.com.