It's true that for many their perspective on life changes after age 40. A new study says that's the age in Chicago, Illinois when 1 in 3 are choosing to pack heat.

I saw this interesting perspective on life after 40 in the Windy City shared by Study Finds. It's based on a published article by Science Advances which looked at Chicagoans and their choices after age 40. It's entitled "Dual pathways of concealed gun carrying and use from adolescence to adulthood over a 25-year era of change".

The methodology into how they figured out the preferences of Chicago residents is crazy. They say they compiled this data by "following over 3,400 Chicago residents from childhood through middle age". What a chore. Here's the short version of what they learned.

1 in 3 in Chicago are carrying a hidden firearm by the time they reach 40 years of age

The consensus before was that those who chose to carry a gun in Chicago were witnesses of gun violence, but this study defies that and insinuates that many adults in the Windy City don't trust the police to protect them effectively.

This is an odd takeaway considering many view Illinois gun laws as being among the most strict in America yet 1 in 3 in the state's largest metro are choosing to carry one.

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Gallery Credit: Ryan's Retroverse via YouTube

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