April 29th Has Some History
I was looking over the listing of events for this date in history and I didn't realize how many events have taken place over the years on this date. For instance, in 1961 ABC"s "Wide World of Sports TV anthology premiered. It became the longest running sports program in television history. It spanned the globe to bring viewers a constant variety of sports from "the thrill of victory to the agony of defeat".
Also on this date in 1976, Bruce Springsteen scaled the walls of Graceland in an attempt to visit Elvis. Guards rushed to the scene and didn't care who he was as he was removed from the property.
Also on this date in 1992 rioting erupted in Los Angeles after a jury acquitted four white police officers of all charges in the beating of black motorist Rodney King. The rioting that followed left 53 people dead and over $735 million in damages during the three day uprising.
A few other events happened on this date. In 2004, Oldsmobile rolled out its final car ending 107 years of production of the model. In 1990, the wrecking balls began to bring down the Berlin Wall and in 1988 Burt Reynolds married Loni Anderson, a relationship that lasted until 1993.
So do something significant and join the list for next year.
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