Annual Sophomore Career Fair to Be Held this Friday
The 2019 West Central Region Sophomore Career Fair will be held on Friday, February 1, 2019, at the John Wood Community College Main Campus. High schools from Adams, Pike, Hancock and Brown Counties will bring almost 1,000 students to the fair.
Professionals from the region will be giving presentations in 15 different career cluster areas. There will also be presentations from the Military, as well as J.W.C.C. Each student will attend two of the 45 minute presentations. The career fair is divided into a morning session from 9:00-10:45 a.m .and an afternoon session from 12:10-1:55 p.m.
More than 45 professionals will present the opportunities within their area of business. Presenters will share information regarding the job environment, employer expectations, salary, and education or training needed to succeed. Many careers from nationally recognized career clusters will also be represented at the career fair.
While many students may have an idea regarding what they want to do when they graduate from high school, it is hoped that this career fair will reinforce that idea or present them with new and different vocational areas to explore.
The career fair is sponsored by The West Central Region Education for Employment System #240