A Tribute To My Good Friend, Chris Duerr
Those Friday night lights will be blaring over high school football fields soon, and I'd like to shine the spotlight on THE definitive expert on the subject, KHQA Sports Director Chris Duerr.
After two decades covering local sports, Chris Duerr is a legend, and he's earned the title. I'm biased, no doubt. Duerr is a long-time friend and former co-worker. He's one of the hardest working people I know. Even local coaches turn to Chris when they're looking to size up another team.
Chris just released his annual Gridiron Playbook. Take a minute to check it out--reading the whole thing will take a good half-hour. You'll see how knowledgeable Duerr is about his passion. His analysis is usually spot-on, and here's why. Chris takes the time to get to know these kids on and off the field. Heck, he knows a lot of their parents too. He's covered a generation of students who he keeps in touch with over the years.
Too often we are quick to criticize rather than offer praise for a job well done. Chris managed to raise two great kids who had to sacrifice a lot of their dad time so that he could cover your children's triumphs in sports. He deserves a huge cheer from his fans. Thanks Duerr for sharing your talent, professionalism and passion with us for all these years.