A March School Referendum Meeting is Set For Tomorrow
On March 17 a school referendum will be on the ballot for voters to decide. The resolution to place the issue on the ballot was adopted by the Quincy School Board last December. It calls for a 53-cent tax increase on the ballot in hopes of generating an estimated $5.3 million in additional annual revenue. That revenue, according to the board, will be needed to offset the cost of new mandates by the State of Illinois for the $15 per hour minimum wage for hourly employees and a mandated $40,000 minimum teacher salary.
The School Board has no option but to comply with these mandates forcing them to ask for the tax increase. In an effort to inform the public about this referendum, five community meetings have been set up for the public to attend. Two of those meeting have already taken place. The third of the five meetings will be held tomorrow (February 5) at John Wood Community College from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The last two meetings will also be at John Wood Community College on Monday, February 24, and Thursday, March 12. The times for both of those meetings will also be from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The goal of the town-hall type meetings is to provide voters an opportunity to become informed about the referendum and as to why the School Board is requesting voter approval for it. If you would like more information regarding the referendum you can go to www.qps.org.