3 Illinois Colleges ended up on a Bad List to be on
This is a list you never want to see your school on, but it is a reality for 3 big-time colleges in Illinois.

A list of the Top 50 Ugliest College Campuses Ever came out and three of the top 50 spots are filled up by schools here in the Land of Lincoln. Luckily for the schools in Illinois, none of them are in the top spot or even the top ten but I didn't realize we had that many ugly college campuses in this state. The list was put together by a website called complex.com and you can see the entire list for yourself by clicking here!
So which schools from Illinois made the list? Well, the Illinois Institue of Technology comes in at 34 on the list, then the University of Illinois at Chicago comes in at 29th on the list (Personally having spent a good amount of time around UIC it is pretty ugly, the main buildings were designed in the Brutalist style of architecture, so that speaks for itself) and then finally the ugliest college campus in Illinois is...
Northern Illinois University at 19th and I have strong thoughts on this pick because that is my school! I graduated from NIU in 2013, and I will say it isn't the prettiest school in the world... On the website they say...
"It shows pictures of the castle-esque Altgeld Hall online, when most students never get the luxury of even being on that side if campus. On the upside, this reputation for old, sterile, and decrepit buildings, coupled with the recent press the university has received, has sparked new renovations."
I agree completely with what is said here, the castle at NIU is great, I walked by it a million times but 99% of students have classes in halls that are older and from different eras so the architecture of the buildings doesn't line up. NIU does have a beautiful pond area, a cool quad near the giant library, and there are a ton of newer buildings being built with money gained from the success of the football team. But overall it is hard to make anything in DeKalb, IL pretty, it isn't a pretty place, it is a hard-working rural community and NIU reflects that on the inside and with its students, I love NIU even if it isn't pretty.
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