Why Shopping Local Is So Important
We have seen in the, past year, several big box stores closing their doors. People have lost their jobs, buildings are now empty, and its got people thinking who's next. However, instead of looking at all the of stores closings, can we take a few minutes and look at Quincy downtown and highlight what's opening.
I have, and will always be, a big supporter of shopping local. With all the big box stores closing, why not start looking to downtown to get the items you need. There are several new businesses that have opened in the past year, and coming soon will be a children's boutique, a new tattoo parlor, and coming this fall will be Quincy Brewing Company.
All we see is store after store being closed do to bankruptcy, but downtown is blooming with busyness and you should be shopping there. These businesses are relying on you and I to, well, shop local so they can keep their doors open. The District does a great job in having fun events throughout the year to get people downtown to see what's available. With several shop local Saturday's coming up in 2019, lets not look at the stores that are closing nationally, let's look at the booming downtown and the stores that are opening.
Admittedly, I shop all around Quincy not just downtown, but it's so important to support the local businesses in the downtown area so more can come, and the ones that we love can remain open. It's more then just shopping local, it's you being a member of this community supporting your fellow neighbor. So eat local, shop local, and for a full list of details om upcoming events downtown, follow The District on their Facebook page or website thedistrictquincy.com.