Watch a Daredevil Deer Jump Off a 50 Foot Waterfall and Live
I think I can prove with science that a certain deer fawn is a Evel Knievel fan. A new video shows a daredevil deer jumping off of a 50 foot waterfall and lived.
The person that shared this video seemed quite startled by what she witnessed. Here's how she described what she saw:
I was at Tahquamenon Falls in Luce County, Michigan. There was a fawn running down the river towards us and we all thought it was so cute so I started recording. Then I realized the deer wasn’t going to stop and it was approaching the waterfall. It fell down the waterfall and I thought it was dead until a few minutes later when I saw it swimming again!
As you might imagine, the comments on YouTube have been highly entertaining. Here are a few of my favorites:
Colin Black - He Tarzan. They...Jane.
MyTube Recap - Deer Deep Diving. 11/10
Cattdaddy n Cornflake - When mother calls you home, you get there by any means you can…
You have to wonder what that deer fawn might have been running from. Did a bear also jump over the waterfall a minute or two later? If so, I promise to follow up with a video update.