The Good Sam is Home to An Amazing 12 Centenarians
This is National Nursing Home Week, a chance to salute and recognize the hard working nurses at nursing homes throughout the United States. Locally we are blessed to have the quality of nursing homes we have here. A nursing home is only as good as its employees. Many area nursing homes will be featuring activities for residents, families, employees, and volunteers. One such home is the Good Samaritan Home in Quincy where they will hold a combined Mother’s Day and Kentucky Derby themed celebrations on Monday and Tuesday followed by a community service project on Wednesday of making and delivering baked goods to the Quincy Fire Department at 11th & Jackson Streets.
Wednesday will also feature employee appreciation events for all three shifts. On Thursday, the home will honor three of their residents who are now centenarians. The public is invited to the induction of Esther Ferguson, Janet Ehrhardt, and Emma VanAusdall into the "Century Club" on Thursday at 2 p.m. in the Good Samaritan Home Social Room.
Each year, the "Century Club" honors those that have or will be turning 100 years old and with the three ladies mentioned the total at the Good Samaritan Home now has reached an amazing 12 people. I guess they are right when they say people are living longer these days.
The week will conclude on Friday with a volunteer luncheon at 11:30 pm. For more information, contact Good Samaritan Home at 223-8717.