The Fun Reason 4 Women Can’t Rent a House Together in Missouri
I have some friends who unknowingly were breaking the law years ago I think. Did you know that 4 women cannot rent a house together in Missouri? The reason why made me laugh and hopefully will you, too.
I saw this shared by The Sunday Standard which I think is a website based in the United Kingdom. Hello, blokes. It says that there are two states in America where it is illegal for 4 or more women to rent a house together. One is Arkansas (this is me pretending to be surprised) and the other is Missouri.
The reason is what's referred to as Missouri's Brothel Law. (*face palm*)
I've found several sites that corroborate this little-known ban on 4 or more women renting a property together including a fun article on MSN. But, there are some key things to note here. #1 - It only bans 4 unrelated women from renting a property together so if you are part of a group of sisters and/or cousins, you're safe. #2 - This law must have been established in 1881 since I can't imagine any modern man declaring that this is a good thing to ban. #3 - I cannot imagine any municipality actually enforcing this.
You think this is outrageous and would never be brought up in real life? Guess again. It made the news in the Kansas City area where "co-living" became a controversial issue...again as KCUR reported. And that's a new city ordinance and not just the old Missouri one. (*face palm again*)
The friends I recall who did it were not "ladies of the night", but college students trying to survive while getting their degrees. Let's hope there are no real arrests since our society is hopefully a bit more advanced now. Or, so I hope.