United Kingdom

Illinois Just Got Called WHAT by the British?
Illinois Just Got Called WHAT by the British?
Illinois Just Got Called WHAT by the British?
I'll share something with you as soon as I stop laughing which might be awhile. OK, I think I'm ready now. What I'm about to state is as true as it is funny. Illinois was just named the most dysfunctional state in America by the British.
Drone Pizza Delivery Has Arrived
Drone Pizza Delivery Has Arrived
Drone Pizza Delivery Has Arrived
There will come a day when home delivery by humans is a thing of the past. I would never have thought that that day would come during my lifetime but low and behold it has. There is a humanless pizza delivery system being used in England.
Don’t Look Up!
Don’t Look Up!
Don’t Look Up!
Ok, every once in a while I just sit back and take a deep breath to gather my thoughts. Then it’s off to reading more information about this or that.  Well, today I ran into this tidbit of information from the mother country, England.