
Hundreds of Missouri Clothing Stores to Use Body Cams on Staff
Hundreds of Missouri Clothing Stores to Use Body Cams on Staff
Hundreds of Missouri Clothing Stores to Use Body Cams on Staff
If you're shopping for clothes in Missouri, assume you're being watched and it's not just overhead security cameras either. There are confirmations that clothing giants with hundreds of stores in Missouri are planning to use body cameras on employees if they haven't started already.
Lock Your Doors, Missouri is Becoming Notorious for Stealing Cars
Lock Your Doors, Missouri is Becoming Notorious for Stealing Cars
Lock Your Doors, Missouri is Becoming Notorious for Stealing Cars
It's good to be famous. I've heard that said many times. I've also heard it said that there is no such thing as bad publicity. That being said, I'm pretty sure that Missouri is not happy about the fact that it's becoming quite notorious for stealing cars. Lock those doors and hide your keys.

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