Yesterday a team of doctors and more admitted they had no answers concerning the lack of decomposition of the former nun.
Sister Wilhelmina of the Most Holy Rosary, who founded the “Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles” passed in May of 2019 at the age of 95. She was ex...
Yes, I understand that precautions are being taken, but does it also concern you just a little bit that there are reportedly at least 7 Illinois labs in different parts of the state that experiment with deadly pathogens? Where did I put my insulated bubble suit?
Some people wish they could time travel to see what Missouri was like a few thousand years ago. I'm gonna take a hard pass on that as many scientists believe that Missouri may have been slammed by as many as 3 asteroids.
I often wonder why science even asks questions like this. What would happen to Missouri if a comet hit the Gulf of Mexico? In what would likely be the worst day ever, you could at least look forward to lots of surfing opportunities.
Scientists are much braver than most of the rest of us. Don't believe me? Try this on for size. Scientists in Illinois are about to fire a particle beam underground at South Dakota and they're not even a little bit nervous about it apparently.
I've lived in Missouri most of my life, but for some reason that I can't remember, I wasn't living in the state 30 years ago when a rare solar eclipse reached totality directly over Missouri. I've collected some memories of that day.
Safe to say that black holes are considered one of the most feared phenomena known to man? What if I told you there is a discussion about whether or not the super-powerful particle collider in Illinois could create one. The consensus is maybe, but you really shouldn't worry.
There is one Missouri town that has been hit by a double whammy. It's known as being one of the most mispronounced cities in America and it was also slammed into by a mammoth meteor. Can this Missouri place catch a break?