If someone asks you to prove that dog's really are man's best friend, show them this. A dog named Sam in Altoona, Iowa has faithfully walked this girl to her bus for years.
A funny thing happened the other day in Iowa. A dog was spotted in a parked car which is not unusual. The fact that he was wearing shades and acting like he owns the place was slightly odd though.
Some families have unique parenting situations. That reality also applies to a Branson, Missouri dog who has been a mom to ducks and a rooster since they were little.
Sometimes you need to be the tough guy even if you're a dog. That point was proven when an Iowa dog was caught on video practicing his mean faces in a mirror.
It's no secret if you're a pet owner that sometimes things happen. That was the case for an Illinois family who found their huge mirror broken while their dog tried his best to look innocent. The security camera proved otherwise.