This is the worst kind of math ever. Addition can be a good thing, but not when it's an updated map of FEMA nuclear strike options that now shows upwards of nearly 50 in Illinois alone.

You might recall that this became a topic on the Illinois sub-Reddit a couple years ago. It was a map that was issued by FEMA showing nuclear targets across the country. Well, I've found an updated one that shows the number of potential Illinois nuke flashpoints now total nearly 50.

The black dots represent a location that would be hit with a first-strike of 2,000 nuclear warheads. The pink triangles are the places Russia or China would light up in a "limited" 500 warhead attack. The red squares are cities to be targeted. Red stars are state capitals that would almost certainly glow in the dark.

FEMA/r/oddlyterrifying via Reddit
FEMA/r/oddlyterrifying via Reddit

Notice that there are now numerous Illinois locations (the pink triangles) that would be nuclear targets even in the most limited scenario of only 500 nuclear warheads. It's not surprising that Scott Air Force Base a half hour from St. Louis would be one of the first locations an enemy would go after.

Let's face it. Even just one nuclear missile attack would create a chain reaction apocalyptic scenario. I just don't understand why nearly every area in Illinois is now a priority target according to FEMA.

I wouldn't lose one minute of sleep over this. The recent threats by Russia are likely just Putin blowing off hot air - or so all of us better hope.

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Gallery Credit: Atlas Survival Shelters via YouTube

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