New LEGO Slippers Are a Game Changer
For every parent that has stepped on a LEGO in the middle of the night, this new product is for you.
I am one of those parents and man, does it hurt. I have screamed so loud I've woken up my kids after stepping on one of these plastic blocks. Fortunately, the company is coming to our rescue with a new product. LEGO have made slippers to wear that absorb the pain of stepping on a LEGO brick, and they look pretty comfy too.
You can sign up now to be a tester for these new slippers. Just go to their wish list section on their website and sign up. If there is a big demand for the slippers, LEGO will start mass producing them. I wonder if they will come in every LEGO box that you buy? I might have to sign up and put these LEGO slippers to the test. My feet will thank me.