Your Paycheck If You’re a Millionaire in Missouri (After Taxes)
Do you daydream about being a millionaire? Would you like to see the reality of what your paycheck would look like if that were real? There's an online tool that will show you what a million dollar paycheck would look like in Missouri after the taxman gets done with it.
If you grew up with me in Missouri, you know my math skills are not up to figuring out what a million dollar job paycheck looks like. Thankfully, I don't have to. I found an online tool from Smart Asset. It allows you to enter the place where you live and how many dependents you have and what local, state and federal allowances you'd enter on your W-4 form.
For the sake of simplicity, I set your salary at $1,000,000 per year and Saint Louis, Missouri as the city where you live. I also assumed you and your rich spouse would have 2 children with 2 allowances on your local, state and federal forms. Here's what your paycheck would look like if you're paid twice per month.
The take home salary for your million dollar salary in Missouri would be $26,350 with $14,017 in taxes withheld. Oh, and the FICA guy gets $1,299, too. Is that a ton of money? Absolutely. Does it seem like the taxman is getting too much money? Yep, I think so. The fact that I say "yep" instead of "yes" is likely why I'll probably never be a millionaire.
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