Illinois Getaway Guide Excludes Quincy
Apparently, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Office of Tourism feels a visit to Quincy and West Central Illinois is just not worth taking. I say this because once again, I received my copy of their Illinois Getaway Guide insert in the Sunday edition of the Herald Whig and Quincy was nowhere to be found in the magazine.
The closest this area got to a mention was a small pamphlet mentioning the Great River Road. That's it! This 20 page insert listed events to see in Illinois from Chicago-land to downstate with absolutely no mention of Quincy. How could that be?
I recall writing about this before when this periodical came out a year ago, and how amazed I was then that there was no mention of Quincy and West-Central Illinois. Apparently, the editors still feel the same.
If you go to their website,, there is a section featuring "15 Must See Lincoln attractions." There are fifteen listings of locations and sites and not one mention of Quincy there, either. Utterly amazing to me.
Also, if you go to the site and click on "Region and Cities" and click on Great Rivers Country you will see only these cities mentioned: Galena, Moline/Rock Island, Peoria,and Alton/Elsah/Grafton. There is even a map of Illinois and Quincy is completely left off the map.
Their theme is "Illinois, Mile after Magnificent Mile." Apparently, the magnificent miles stop short of Quincy.